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A peaceful demonstration was conducted by students on 18 September 2019 to denounce the 9-point demands of the 61 Papuan figures who did not represent the Papuan People. The action that was carried out by the students and the community is legal since a notice of action has been submitted to Sorong City authorities (i.e. the Sorong City police) 3 days earlier.
The peaceful demonstration led by students Riyanto Ruruk, Herman Sabo (Korlap), Yosep Laurensius Syufi (Sekorlap), Menase Baho (Humas), and Ethus Paulus Miwak Kareth (Korwil), was forcibly dispersed by the police. There were various locations of the arrests: Riyanto Ruruk and Ethus Paulus Miwak Kareth were arrested while giving speeches in front of Kiosk Anda, Malanu while Yosep Syufi and Manase Baho were arrested in front of the Indonesian Christian University in Malanu while also giving speeches. The 4 students were arrested without warrants, nor a letter of cancellation of the demonstration from the police. Whereas on 19 September 2019, arrest warrants were issued by the police which named them as suspects of committing treason (makar).
[They have been] detainees at the Sorong Police Station from 19 September 2019 to 17 January 2020, for approximately 4 months.
On 05 March 2020, the 4 tapol students were accused of violating Article 110 Paragraph 1 in relation to Article 106 and Article 87 of the Indonesian Criminal Code. The Public Prosecutor, in his indictment, stated that the 4 students actually brought stickers with the Morning Star image and text which read “referendum”, banners that read “we are asking for independence not new autonomous regions (DOB) nor special autonomy (otsus)”, plotted to separate a part of the Republic of Indonesia, and held a demonstration with the Papuan people in Sorong City.
19 March 2020, Thursday. [The trial session was for] the investigation of the witnesses. One of the witnesses presented by the Prosecutor was a member of the Sorong City Police. Based on his testimony, the witness admitted not to have seen the 4 defendants as well as the evidence that was brought. The statements of the 2 other witnesses presented by the Prosecutor were only written as "The statements of the 2 witnesses were the same as the first witness".
13 May 2020. The 4 West Papua student political prisoners, Manasye Baho, Ethus Paulus Miwak Kareth, Riyanto Ruruk, and Yosep Laurensius Syufi, who have been charged with Article 110 Paragraph 1 in relation to Article 106 and Article 87 of the Criminal Code, have been prosecuted by the Public Prosecutor at the Sorong District Court with imprisonment for 1 year and 4 months.
19 May 2020. The trial continued with the defense agenda with the legal advisors of the 4 defendants. In the trial process, the defense prepared by the defendants’ legal advisors was directly submitted to the Sorong District Court Judge, and was deemed to have been read.
28 May 2020. The verdict of the 4 Papuan tapol students was decided by Chair of the Judges, Willem Marco Erari who was accompanied by two judges, Donald Sopacua and Dedi I Sahusilawane. They have decided on a detention period of “Eight (8) months Fifteen (15) days” starting from the date of detention 19 September 2019.
It is on 31 May 2020 that we, 4 Papuan tapol students, have been completely freed without conditions from the Class II B prisons in Sorong City.
However, even though our bodies are free from the solid iron bars, our heart, mind, and soul remain imprisoned.
1. The Indonesian Government to immediately and unconditionally release all political prisoners of Papua and Maluku, because the right to express opinion in public is defined in the 1945 Constitution, Article 28-E Paragraph 3 which states that everyone has the right to freedom of association, assembly, and issue opinions, and Law No. 39 of 1999 on Human Rights guarantees the right of everyone to be able to issue and disseminate opinions according to his good conscience verbally and/or in writing.
2. The Indonesian Government under the leadership of Jokowi must re-evaluate the law enforcement on the people of Papua and Maluku because in the last 5 months there have been arrests of 57 pro-democracy activists and [they] have been determined as political prisoners.
3. The Indonesian government must be serious in addressing the Papua problems:
- human rights violations in Papua
- silencing of democracy
- the issues on the rights of Indigenous Peoples of Papua
- the issues on the general welfare of the people of Papua
Sorong, 31 May 2020
Demonstrasi Damai yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa pada 18/09/2019. dengan Agenda Menolak 9 poin tuntutan dari 61 Tokoh Papua yang bukan REPRESENTATIF, dari Rakyat Papua. Aksi yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa dan masyarakat, secara aturan Hukum dianggap Legal sebab telah memberikan Surat Pemberitahuan Aksi kepada pihak berwajib (Polresta) kota Sorong, 3 hari sebelumnya. aksi Demonstrasi Damai yang dipimpin oleh para Mahasiswa, Nama, Riyanto Ruruk/Herman Sabo (Korlap), Yosep Laurensius Syufi (Sekorlap), Menase Baho(Humas) dan Ethus Paulus Miwak Kareth (Korwil), dibubarkan secara paksa oleh Pihak KEPOLISIAN. Lokasi penangkapan berbeda-beda " Riyanto Ruruk dan Ethus paulus Miwak kareth ditangkap Saat sedang berorasi di depan Kios Anda, Malanu sedangkan Yosep Syufi dan Manase Baho di tangkap di depan Universitas Kristen Indonesia Malanu kampung kota Sorong, saat sedang berorasi. ke 4 Mahasiswa tersebut di tangkap tanpa menujukan surat perintah penangkapan, dan surat pembatalan Aksi Demonstrasi dari pihak kepolisian. sedangkan tanggal 19/09/2019. surat perintah penahan di keluarkan oleh kepolisian , Dan menetapkan ke 4 mahasiswa tersebut sebagai TERSANGKA KASUS MAKAR.
Penahan di Polresta Sorong sejak tanggal 19 September 2019 sampai dengan 17 Januari 2020 kurang lebih hampir 4 Bulan lamanya.
Tanggal 05/03/2020, ke 4 Mahasiswa Tahanan Politik yang dituduh melanggar Pasal, 110 ayat (1) Jo pasal 106 Jo Pasal 87 KUHP. Jaksa Penuntut Umum (JPU), dalam Dakwaannya " Ke 4 Mahasiswa Tahanan Politik Papua, Benar-Benar Membawa stiker Bergambar Bintang Kejora Bertuliskan Referendum, Spanduk bertuliskan Kami Minta Merdeka Bukan DOB atau Otsus, dan melakukan permufakatan untuk memisahkan sebagian wilayah NKRI, dan telah melakukan Unjuk Rasa Demonstrasi bersama Masyarakat Papua di Kota Sorong.
19/03/2020. dengan agenda persidangan pemeriksaan saksi, yang di hadirkan oleh JPU. Saksi merupakan anggota kepolisian Polres Sorong. Berdasarkan keterangan saksi, saksi mengaku tidak melihat ke 4 terdakwa serta barang bukti yang dibawa. 2 saksi yang di hadirkan oleh JPU keterangannya hanya secara Tertulis " keterangan dari ke 2 saksi memberatkan juga sama seperti saksi yang pertama".
13/04/2020. 4 Mahasiswa Tapol Papua di Kota Sorong atas nama Manase Baho, Ethus Paulus Miwak Kareth, Riyanto Ruruk, dan Yosep Laurensius Syufi. Yang telah di Dakwa dengan Pasal, 110 ayat (1) Jo pasal 106 Jo Pasal 87 KUHP. Ke 4 Mahasiswa Tahanan politik Papua yang Telah di Tuntut oleh Jaksa Penuntut Umum (JPU) , di Pengadilan Negeri Sorong dengan Tuntutan Penjara selama 1 Tahun 4 Bulan.
19/05/2020. Sidang dilanjutkan dengan Agenda Pembelaan ( Pledoi) ,dari Penasehat Hukum (PH) ke - 4 terdakwa. Dalam proses persidangan, Pembelaan yang disiapkan oleh PH ke 4 Terdakwa, langsung diserahkan kepada Hakim Pengadilan Negeri Sorong, dan dianggap telah dibacakan.
28/05/2020. Sidang Putusan terhadap ke - 4 Mahasiswa Tahanan Politik Papua Barat, telah diputuskan oleh Ketua majelis hakim Willem Marco Erari yang didampingi kedua hakim anggota Donald Sopacua dan Dedi I Sahusilawane, memutuskan Masa Tahanan selama " Delapan ( 8 ) Bulan Lima Belas (15) Hari. Terhitung mulai dari tanggal penahanan 19/9/2019.
31/05/2020 bahwa kami 4 Mahasiswa Tahanan Politik Papua, telah benar - benar bebas tanpa bersyarat di lembaga permasyarakatan kelas II B Kota Sorong.
Namun sekalipun Tubuh kami terbebas dari Kokohnya TRALI BESI, Namun hati, pikiran dan Roh kami Masih terpenjara.
1. Kami meminta pemerintah Indonesia segara membebaskan seluruh Tapol Papua dan Maluku tanpa syarat, karena hak menyuarakan pendapat di muka umum di atur dalam Undang – Undang Dasar 1945, Pasal 28 E ayat 3 yang mengatakan bahwa setiap orang memiliki hak atas kebebasan berserikat, berkumpul dan mengeluarkan pendapat serta Undang – Undang Nomor 39 Tahun 1999 tentang Hak Asasi Manusia yang menjamin hak setiap orang untuk dapat mengeluarkan dan menyebarluaskan pendapat sesuai hati nuraninya baik secara lisan dan/atau tulisan.
2. Pemerintah Indonesia dibawa pimpinan jokowi harus mengevaluasi kembali dalam penegakan hukum terhadap rakyat papua & Maluku karena dalam 5 bln terakhir sudah terjadi penangkapan terhadap 57 aktivis pro demokrasi dan ditetapkan sebagai Tahanan politik.
3. Pemerintah Indonesia harus serius dalam menyikapi masalah Papua
- pelanggaran HAM di Papua
- pembungkaman demokrasi
- masalah Hak-Hak Wilayat masyarakat adat di Papua
- masalah kesejahteraan rakyat Papua.
Demikian Peryataan kami untuk di ketahui bersama.
Sorong, 31 Mei 2020