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On the Verdict of the Trial Process of 4 West Papuan Political Prisoners in Sorong City
Brief Chronology of the Arrest and Detention of the 4 Students of West Papua Political Prisoners
The incident of racism against Papuan Students that occurred in Surabaya on 16-17 August 2019 had an impact on the emergence of Papuans’ ill-feelings over the video which showed members of the Indonesian Army and organizations such as the Pemuda Pancasila (Pancasila Youth) and the Islamic Defenders Front saying the racist expressions, "monkey" and "get rid of Papuans".
Responding to the said incident, the people of West Papua conducted widespread protests from 18 August to September 2019 by publicly conveying their calls in various places in Jayapura, Manokwari, Sorong [Regency], Sorong City, South Sorong, Fakfak, Maibrat, Mimika, Deiyai, Raja Empat, Wamena, Merauke, Yahukimo, and Yalimo. Aside from Papua, there were demonstrations in the Indonesian cities of Jakarta, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Bali, Bandung, Makassar, Medan, Ambon, Ternate, wherein all rejected the racist remarks, including one of the actions that was organized in Sorong City between 20-27 August 2019.
These actions have invited the attention of the people of Papua, and even the national and international community which expressed solidarity with the protests against the racism towards the Papuan students in Surabaya who are also part of the Papuan people, and of its future generation.
On 19-20 August 2019, a tense situation enveloped Sorong City. A number of major arterial roads in Sorong City were blocked by those taking part in one of the anti-racism protests. This has also invited the attention of the public and the students, wherein the students became [Papuan] people’s voice to the government.
On 21 August 2019, Wednesday, the Solidarity of the People of Sorong Raya for Surabaya and Malang Students led the Papuan community in Sorong in taking to the streets to carry out peaceful demonstrations in order to urge the government “to immediately resolve the issue of racism and persecution of Papuan students in East Java".
On 27 August 2019, the peaceful action continues, questioning the government about the aspirations that were previously submitted, in front of the city mayor's office.
Peaceful demonstrations later continued on 18 September 2019 with the goal of rejecting the 9 points of demands from 61 Papuan figures who are not representatives of the Papuan people. The actions carried out by students and the community are considered by law to be legal since it had submitted a notice of action to city authorities (city police) 3 days prior. The peaceful demonstrations led by students Riyanto Ruruk / Herman Sabo (Korlap), Yosep Laurensius Syufi (Sekorlap), Menasye Baho (Humas), and Ethus Paulus Miwak Kareth (Korwil), were forcibly dispersed by the police. There were various locations of the arrests: Riyanto Ruruk and Ethus Paulus Miwak Kareth were arrested while giving speeches in front of Kiosk Anda, Malanu while Yosep Syufi and Manase Baho were arrested in front of the Christian University of Indonesia in Malanu while giving a speech. The 4 students were arrested without arrest warrants and a letter of cancellation of the demonstration from the police. On 19 September 2019, arrest warrants were issued by the police which accused the 4 students as suspects in a case of treason. The 4 political prisoners have been detained for 8 months now, from September 2019 to May 2020.
03 May 2020. The 4 student political prisoners of Sorong City involved in the makar case (per Article 110 of the Indonesian Criminal Code) underwent their first session. The Public Prosecutor, in his indictment, stated that the 4 students actually brought stickers with the Morning Star image and contained a text which read “referendum”, and held meetings and rallies with the Papuan people in Sorong City.
19 March 2020, Thursday. [The trial session was for] the investigation of the witnesses. One of the witnesses presented by the Prosecutor was a member of the Sorong City Police. Based on his testimony, the witness claimed not to have seen the 4 defendants as well as the evidence that was brought. The statements of the 2 other witnesses presented by the Prosecutor were only written as "The statements of the 2 witnesses were the same as the first witness".
13 May 2020. The 4 West Papua student political prisoners, Manasye Baho, Ethus Paulus Miwak Kareth, Riyanto Ruruk, and Yosep Laurensius Syufi, who have been charged with Article 110 of the Criminal Code or "conspiring against the state", have been prosecuted by the Public Prosecutor at the Sorong District Court with imprisonment for 1 year and 4 months.
19 May 2020, Tuesday. The trial continued with the defense agenda with the legal advisors of the 4 defendants. In the trial process, the defense prepared by the defendants’ legal advisors was directly submitted to the Sorong District Court Judge, and was deemed to have been read.
The verdict of the trial of the 4 West Papua student political prisoners will be held on Thursday, 28 May 2020 at the Sorong District Court.
Whereas 4 West Papuan student political prisoners have been detained for more than 8 months, from September 2019 to the present and have followed the entire trial process in the Sorong District Court.
In the midst of COVID-19 pandemic which struck the world including Indonesia, the trial of the 4 political prisoners proceeded without regard to the Supreme Court Circular Letter Number: 1 of 2020 on the Guidelines for Performing Tasks During the Prevention Period for the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Prevention in the Indonesian Supreme Court and Judiciary Bodies Under It.
West Papuan political prisoners detained in Class II B Sorong Correctional Institutions feel that their safety and health are threatened given the present COVID-19 pandemic. According to the data compiled from the COVID-19 Task Force, there have been 119 total positive COVID-19 cases in West Papua and the city of Sorong is one of the regions with the highest number of positive cases in the province of West Papua.
The trial process carried out by the Sorong District Court against the 4 student political prisoners in Sorong City is very perplexing. The demonstrations carried out in 2019 was purely to defend the dignity of Papuans from racist remarks and persecution such as that experienced by the Papuan students in Malang and Surabaya, and to voice out the injustices that occur in Tanah Papua as experienced by the people of West Papua. The reality of West Papuan political prisoners who are victims of racism is that of imprisonment of morals; the fight for justice comes at a high price that West Papuan political prisoners must pay for the realization of justice and dignity for the people of West Papua.
We ask the Indonesian government to immediately and unconditionally release all political prisoners of Papua and West Papua because the people's safety is at the highest law. We also ask the Indonesian Government to stop all criminalization of pro-democracy activists who voice their opinions on injustice, to stop the racist, repressive, and discriminatory treatment of students and of Papuan people who want to express their opinions in public, as stipulated in Law No. 9 of 1998 on Freedom of Expression in Public.
Article 28-E, Paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution states that everyone has the right to freedom of association, assembly, and issuance of opinions, and Law No. 39 of 1999 on Human Rights guarantees the right of everyone to be able to issue and disseminate opinions according to his good conscience verbally and/or in writing.
Papuan activists and pro-democracy activists who publicly and peacefully express their opinions must be protected rather than criminalized by the treason article, because [the latter] is not in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The actions of the police and the use of treason charges against the Papuan activists demonstrate the deterioration of democratic values.
We would like to thank all parties and the Lawyers Team for giving moral, energy, and material support, as these provide new energy for us to continue our struggle for justice and well-being for the people of Indonesia, Indonesian people, especially for the people and nation of West Papua, please monitor the hearing process which will be held on 28 May 28 2020.
Sorong, 25 May 2020
Kronologis Singkat Penangkapan dan penahanan dari Ke 4 Mahasiswa Tahanan Politik Papua Barat
Bahwa awal mula adanya peristiwa Rasisme di Surabaya terhadap Mahasiswa Papua di Surabaya pada tanggal 16 – 17 Agustus 2019 yang berdampak pada munculnya rasa sakit hati orang Papua atas video ungkapan Rasis yakni : “Monyet” dan kalimat “usir Papua” yang dilakukan oleh oknum TNI AD dan sekelompok organisasi kemasyarakatan seperti Pemuda Pancasila dan Front Pembela Islam.
Merespon kejadian rasial disurabaya sejak tanggal 18 Agustus 2019 hingga September 2019 terjadi terjadi penyampaian protes luas rakyat Papua dengan menyampaikan pendapat dimuka umum diberbagai tempat Jayapura, Manokwari, Sorong, Kota Sorong, Sorong Selatan, fafak, maibrat, mimika, deiyai, raja empat, Wamena, Merauke, Yahukimo,Yalimo. Tidak hanya dipapua tetapi terjadi unjuk rasa di kota - kota Indonesia lain, Jakarta, Semarang, jogya, bali, Bandung, Makasar, Medan, Ambon, Ternate, semua menolak Ujaran Rasial. dan termasuk salah satunya aksi di kota sorong pada tanggal 20 - 27 Agustus 2019.
Sehingga mengundang perhatian masyarakat Papua, bahkan nasional dan internasional yang mana ikut bersoliaritas memprotes ujaran RASIS yang di layangkan kepada mahasiswa Papua disurabaya yang juga merupakan bagian dari rakyat Papua, serta merupakan generasi masa depan dari Rakyat Papua.
Tanggal 19 dan 20 Agustus 2019 situasi mencekam menyelimuti Kota Sorong, Sejumlah jalan protokol diblokir oleh masyarakat kota Sorong, yang protes karena ujaran Rasis dan persekusi terhadap sejumlah mahasiswa asal Papua yang sedang belajar atau kuliah di Jawa Timur. hal inipun, mengundang perhatian dari masyarakat dan Mahasiswa, yang mana Mahasiswa SEBAGAI PENYAMBUNG LIDAH RAKYAT kepada PEMERINTAH. Sehingga pada hari, Rabu (21/08/2019). Solidaritas Masyarakat Sesorong Raya Peduli Mahasiswa Surabaya dan Malang. memimpin Masyarakat Papua di Sorong untuk turun ke jalan melakukan Aksi Demonstrasi damai, guna Mendesak kepada pemerintah, "dapat segera menyelesaikan permasalahan Rasisme dan Persekusi kepada Mahasiswa Papua di Jawa Timur".
Tanggal, 27/08/2019. Aksi Demostrasi Damai Berlanjut, mempertanyakan kepada Pemerintah tentang Aspirasi yang di berikan sebelumnya di depan Kantor Walikota Sorong.
Aksi Demonstrasi Damai kemudian berlanjut pada 18/09/2019. dengan Agenda Menolak 9 poin tuntutan dari 61 Tokoh Papua yang bukan REPRESENTATIF, dari Rakyat Papua. Aksi yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa dan masyarakat, secara aturan Hukum dianggap Legal sebab telah memberikan Surat Pemberitahuan Aksi kepada pihak berwajib (Polresta) kota Sorong, 3 hari sebelumnya. Aksi Demonstrasi Damai yang dipimpin oleh para Mahasiswa, Nama, Riyanto Ruruk/Herman Sabo (Korlap), Yosep Laurensius Syufi (Sekorlap), Menasye Baho(Humas) dan Ethus Paulus Miwak Kareth (Korwil), dibubarkan secara paksa oleh Pihak KEPOLISIAN. Lokasi penangkapan berbeda-beda " Riyanto Ruruk dan Ethus paulus Miwak kareth ditangkap Saat sedang berorasi di depan Kios Anda, Malanu sedangkan Yosep Syufi dan Manase Baho di tangkap di depan Universitas Kristen Indonesia Malanu kampung kota Sorong saat sedang berorasi. ke 4 Mahasiswa tersebut di tangkap tanpa menujukan surat perintah penangkapan, dan surat pembatalan Aksi Demonstrasi dari pihak kepolisian sedangkan tanggal 19/09/2019. surat perintah penahan di keluarkan oleh kepolisian , Dan menetapkan ke 4 mahasiswa tersebut sebagai TERSANGKA KASUS MAKAR dan saat ini ke 4 Tapol telah Ditahan selama 8 Bulan terhitung dari bulan September 2019 - Mei 2020.
Tanggal 05/03/2020, 4 Mahasiswa Tahanan Politik Kasus Makar (Pasal 110 KUHP)di Kota Sorong menjalani sidang perdana. Jaksa Penuntut Umum (JPU), dalam Dakwaannya " Ke 4 Mahasiswa Tahanan Politik Papua, Benar-Benar Membawa stiker Bergambar Bintang Kejora Bertuliskan Referendum dan melakukan pertemuan-pertemuan serta permufakatan tertentu, dan telah melakukan Unjuk Rasa Demonstrasi bersama Masyarakat Papua di Kota Sorong.
Kamis 19 Maret 2020, dengan agenda persidangan pemeriksaan saksi, yang di hadirkan oleh JPU. Saksi merupakan anggota kepolisian Polres Sorong. Berdasarkan keterangan saksi, saksi mengaku tidak melihat ke 4 terdakwa serta barang bukti yang dibawa. 2 saksi yang di hadirkan oleh JPU keterangan hanya secara Tertulis " keterangan 2 saksi tersebut juga sama seperti saksi yang pertama".
Rabu, 13 Mei 2020. 4 Mahasiswa Tapol Papua Barat Kota Sorong atas nama Manasye Baho, Ethus Paulus Miwak Kareth, Riyanto Ruruk, dan Yosep Laurensius Syufi. Yang telah di Dakwa dengan Pasal 110 KUHP " Permufakatan Jahat Melawan Negara ". Telah di Tuntut oleh Jaksa Penuntut Umum (JPU) , di Pengadilan Negeri Sorong dengan Tuntutan Penjara selama 1 Tahun 4 Bulan.
Selasa,19 Mei 2020. Sidang dilanjutkan dengan Agenda Pembelaan ( Pledoi) ,dari Penasehat Hukum (PH) ke - 4 terdakwa. Dalam proses persidangan, Pembelaan yang disiapkan oleh PH ke 4 Terdakwa, langsung diserahkan kepada Hakim Pengadilan Negeri Sorong, dan dianggap telah dibacakan.
Sidang Putusan terhadap ke - 4 Mahasiswa Tahanan Politik Papua Barat, akan dilanjutkan pada Kamis, 28 Mei 2020. Di Pengadilan Negeri Sorong.
Bahwa 4 Mahasiswa Tapol Papua Barat, telah Ditahan selama 8 Bulan lebih, sejak September 2019 sampai dengan saat ini dan telah mengikuti seluruh rangkaian proses persidangan di pengadilan Negeri Sorong.
Di tengah Pademi Covid19, yang melanda dunia termasuk juga indonesia. Proses persidangan ke 4 tapol terus berlanjut tanpa mengindahkan Surat Edaran Mahkamah Agung RI Nomor : 1 Tahun 2020. Tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Tugas Selama Masa Pencegahan Penyebaran Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID – 19) di Lingkungan Mahkamah Agung RI dan Badan Peradilan Berada di Bawahnya.
Para Tapol Papua Barat yang di tahan di Lembaga Permasyarakatan Kelas II B Sorong, merasa terancam akan keselamatan dan kesehatannya terhadap ancaman PADEMI COVID19. Sebab menurut Data yang di himpun dari Gugus Tugas Penanganan Covid19, telah terdapat 119 Jumlah kasus positif Covid19 di Papua Barat. dan kota Sorong termasuk salah satu wilayah dengan jumlah kasus positif covid19 tertinggi di propinsi Papua barat.
Proses Persidangan yang dilakukan oleh pengadilan negeri Sorong terhadap ke 4 Mahasiswa TAPOL PAPUA kota sorong sangat berbelit - belit. Karena demonstrasi yang dilakukan di tahun 2019 sebelumnya adalah murni untuk Membela Harkat dan Martabat orang Papua dari ujaran Rasisme dan persekusi terhadap para mahasiswa Papua di malang dan surabaya, serta untuk menyuarakan ketidakadilan yang terjadi di tanah Papua yang dialami oleh rakyat Papua barat. Kenyataan para Tapol Papua Barat yang merupakan korban rasis menaru moral dikursi pesakitan, untuk memperjuangkan keadilan dengan harga yang mahal yang harus ditebus para Tapol Papua Barat demi terwujudnya keadilan dan harga diri bagi rakyat Papua Barat.
Kami meminta pemerintah Indonesia segara membebaskan seluruh Tapol Papua dan Papua Barat tanpa syarat karena keselamatan rakyat merupakan hukum tertinggi. Dan juga meminta pemerintah RI untuk menghentikan segala kriminalisasi terhadap aktivis pro demokrasi yang menyuarakan pendapatnya atas ketidakadilan, menghentikan sikap represif dan diskriminatif rasial terhadap mahasiswa maupun masyarakat Papua lainnya yang hendak menyampaikan pendapat dan ekspresi di muka umum, sebagaimana yang sudah diatur dalam UU Nomor 9 Tahun 1998 tentang Kemerdekaan menyampaikan pendapat di Muka Umum.
Undang – Undang Dasar 1945 Pasal 28 E ayat 3 yang mengatakan bahwa setiap orang memiliki hak atas kebebasan berserikat, berkumpul dan mengeluarkan pendapat dan Undang – Undang Nomor 39 Tahun 1999 tentang Hak Asasi Manusia yang menjamin hak setiap orang untuk dapat mengeluarkan dan menyebarluaskan pendapat sesuai hati nuraninya baik secara lisan dan/atau tulisan.
Pemenjaraan terhadap aktivis Papua dan aktivis pro demokrasi yang menyampaikan pendapatnya di muka secara damai. Haruslah dilindungi bukan malah dikrinalisasi dengan pasal makar, karena tidak sesuai dengan konstitusi Negara Republik Indonesia, TYBtindakan aparatus kepolisian dengan pereksekusi pasal makar terhadap aktivis tapol papua menjelaskan kedemuduran nilai-nilai demokrasi itu sendiri.
Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak dan Tim Pengacara yang memberikan dukungan baik moral, tenaga dan materiil, hal itu sebagai energi baru bagi kami dalam melanjutkan perjuangan kami demi keadilan dan kesejahteraan seluruh rakyat Indonesia khususnya bagi Rakyat dan Bangsa Papua Barat, mohon pemantauan proses sidang yang akan dilakan pada Tanggal 28 Mei 2020.
Sorong, 25 Mei 2020