English Translation below

During the period of 1961 to 1998, it was recorded by the National Commission on Human Rights that at least 44 military operations had been carried out in the Papua region. The military operation model is divided into 2 stages, that is (1) before the implementation of Act of Free Choice (ind: PEPERA) with the aim to win the referendum, and (2) after the implementation of the Act of Free Choice with the aim to maintain the results of the referendum, abolish the elections, and crush the Free Papua Movement (OPM).
Special Operation to Win the Pepera (1961 - 1969)
To destroy the resistance groups while increasing the deployment of Indonesian National Armed Forces;
Ensure the Kepala Burung (Bird's Head) region is won;
Ensure victory on D-day;
Secure the results
Commander: Major Ali Martopo
Operation Jayawijaya (1961 - 1962)
Objective: To establish guerrilla bases and prepare the formation of outposts as a means to take control of Papua.
Commander: Benny Moerdani (Minister of Defense / Commander of the Armed Forces from 1983-1988, and the Defense and Security Minister from 1988-1993)
Operation Wisnumurti (1963 - 1965)
Objective: To uphold the authority of the Government of Indonesia, ensure security and order as well as to assist the civilian government and develop West Irian Jaya, specifically to counter the separatist movement.
Commander: Men / Army Commander Gen. A. Yani
Operation Consciousness (1965)
Objective: To destroy the OPM resistance in Manokwari, as well as to emphasize the authority of the Regional Military Command XVII (Tjendrawasih) over the whole of Papua.
Commander: Military Commander Brigadier R. Kartidjo
Operation Bharatayudha (1966 - 1967)
Objective: To destroy the resistance and win the PEPERA
Commander: Brigadier R. Bintoro
Annahilation Campaign (1967 - 1970)
Concentrated in the Ayaamaru, Teminabuan and Inanwatan regions
Operation Authority (1967)
Objective: Win the PEPERA for Indonesia
Commander: Brigadier Sarwo Edi
Determination of People's Opinion
Final Operation (1971 - 1977)
Objective: To secure Papua in time for the 1971 Elections
Commander: Major Ahmad
Operation Koteka (1977 - 1978)
Objective: To implement the Indonesian Government's policy of replacing the traditional Koteka (penis sheath) with "ordinary" clothing
Commander: Brigadier General Acub Zainal
Operation Smile (1970 - 1980)
Objective: Reduction of military operations in Papua as it raises public fear
Operation Raven I (1985 - 1986)
Objective: To pursue OPM Leader Victus Wangmang
Commander: Military Commander Major General H. Simanjuntak
Operation Raven II (1986)
Objective: To destroy the Gerakan Pengacau Keamanan (GPK*) and to identify the people's loyalty.
Commander: Major General Setiana
*GPK literally translates to Security Distrubrance Movement, used by the New Order to refer to the Free Papua Movement
Operation Cassowary I (1987 - 1988)
Objective: To physically destroy the GPK, especially in the area around the border
Commander: Major Wismoyo Arismunandar
Operation Cassowary II (1988 - 1989)
Objective: To destroy the OPM along the PNG border
Operation Rajawali I (1989 - 1990)
Objective: To destroy the OPM along the PNG border
Commander: Major General Abinowo
Operation Rajawali II (1990 - 1995)
Objective: To destroy the OPM along the PNG border
Selama perdiode dari tahun 1961 sampai dengan tahun 1998, tercatat oleh Tim Komnas HAM setidaknya telah dilancarkan 44 (empat puluh empat) operasi militer di wilayah Papua. Model operasi militer tersebut terbagi menjadi 2 (dua) tahap, yaitu sebelum peleksanaan PEPERA dengan tujuan untuk memenangan PEPERA dan sesudah pelaksanaan PEPERA dengan tujuan untuk mempertahankan hasil PEPERA, menyukseksan Pemilu, dan menumpas gerakan OPM.
Operasi Khusus Pemenangan Pepera (1961 - 1969)
Untuk menghancurkan kelompok perlawanan dan sekaligus memperluas sebaran pasukan ABRI
Memastikan daerah kepala burung Pepera dimenangkan
Memastikan kemenangan pada hari-H
Mengamankan hasilnya
Komandan: Mayor Ali Martopo
Operasi Jayawijaya (1961 - 1962)
Tujuan: Membentuk basis-basis gerilya dan mempersiapkan pembentukan pos terdepan bagi upaya menguasai Papua.
Komandan: Benny Moerdani (Menhanham/Pangab periode tahun 1983-1988 dan Menhankam periode tahun 1988-1993)
Operasi Wisnumurti (1963 - 1965)
Tujuan: Menegakkan kewibawaan Pemerintah Indonesia, menjamin keamanan dan ketertiban serta membantu pemerintah sipil dan membangun Irian Jaya Barat, khususnya untuk mengkounter gerakan separatis.
Komandan: Men/Pangad Jend. A. Yani
Operasi Sadar (1965)
Tujuan: Mematahkan perlawanan OPM di Manokwari, tetapi juga menegaskan kekuasaan Kodam XVII/Tjendrawasih atas seluruh wilayah Papua.
Komandan: Pangdam Brigjend R. Kartidjo
Operasi Bharatayudha (1966 - 1967)
Tujuan: Menghancurkan perlawanan dan memenangkan PEPERA
Komandan: Brigjend R. Bintoro
Operasi Tumpas (1967 - 1970)
Dikonsentrasikan di wilayah Ayaamaru, Teminabuan, dan Inanwatan
Operasi Wibawa (1967)
Tujuan: Memenangkan PEPERA untuk Indonesia
Komandan: Brigjend Sarwo Edi
PEPERA (1969)
Penentuan Pendapat Rakyat
Operasi Pamungkas (1971 - 1977)
Tujuan: Mengamankan Papua untuk menyambut pelaksanaan Pemilu 1971
Komandan: Mayor Ahmad
Operasi Koteka (1977 - 1978)
Tujuan: Menjalankan kebijakan Pemerintahan Indonesia yang memaksa mengganti pakaian adat Koteka ke pakaian biasa
Komandan: Brigjen Acub Zainal
Operasi Senyum (1970 - 1980)
Tujuan: Mengurangi operasi militer di Papua karena menimbulkan ketakutan masyarakat
Operasi Gagak I (1985 - 1986)
Tujuan: Mengejar Pimpinan OPM Victus Wangmang
Komandan: Pangdam Mayjen H. Simanjuntak
Operasi Gagak II (1986)
Tujuan: Menghancurkan Gerakan Pengacau Keamanan dan deteksi loyalitas rakyat
Komandan: Mayjen Setiana
Operasi Kasuari I (1987 - 1988)
Tujuan: Menghancurakn GPK secara fisik terutama di daerah sekitar perbatasan
Komandan: Mayjend. Wismoyo Arismunandar
Operasi Kasuari II (1988 - 1989)
Tujuan: Menghancurkan OPM di sepanjang perbatasan dengan PNG
Operasi Rajawali I (1989 - 1990)
Tujuan: Menghancurkan OPM di sepanjang perbatasan dengan PNG
Komandan: Mayjen Abinowo
Operasi Rajawali II (1990 - 1995)
Tujuan: Menghancurkan OPM di sepanjang perbatasan dengan PNG