The struggle for self-determination of West Papua is a part of the international peoples' struggle against foreign intervention, specifically against big Imperialist powers such as the United States.
The plight of the peoples of Iran and West Papua who are both under chronic conflict is caused by Imperialists' insatiable demand for raw materials (natural resources) and markets.
For West Papua, Imperialist exploitation of the land is seen in the US Freeport's extraction of gold and other minerals through the help of the Indonesian puppet regime which stands as Papua's direct colonizer.
For Iran and most countries in West Asia (also known as the Middle East) who are rich with oil reserves, the US controls these resources through sanctions that sabotages the country's economy and contributes to a nation's fragility. Worst of all, it is the common masses who suffer most from the effects of these sanctions (e.g. basic commodities and social services become inaccessible).
With this, the Merdeka West Papua Support Network calls on to its friends and allies to take part in the International Day of Action against US War on Iran. Let us stand with peoples struggling for self-determination and against Imperialism!
Long live international solidarity!
Perjuangan untuk penentuan nasib sendiri Papua Barat adalah bagian dari perjuangan rakyat internasional terhadap intervensi asing, khususnya terhadap kekuatan besar imperialis seperti Amerika serikat.
Penderitaan masyarakat Iran dan Papua Barat yang keduanya berada di bawah konflik kronis disebabkan oleh pemerintah yang tidak terpuaskan oleh imperialis untuk bahan-bahan mentah (sumber daya alam) dan pasar.
Untuk Papua Barat, eksploitasi imperialis tanah terlihat dalam ekstraksi Emas freeport AS dan mineral lainnya melalui bantuan rezim BONEKA Indonesia yang berdiri sebagai Colonizer langsung papua.
Untuk Iran dan sebagian besar negara di Asia Barat ( juga dikenal sebagai Timur Tengah) yang kaya dengan candangan minyak, AS mengontrol sumber daya ini melalui sanksi yang menyabotase ekonomi negara dan berkontribusi pada kerapuhan bangsa. Terburuk dari semua, itu adalah massa umum yang menderita sebagian besar dari efek sanksi ini (misalnya komoditas dasar dan layanan sosial menjadi tidak dapat diakses)
Dengan ini, jaringan dukungan Papua Barat Merdeka memanggil teman-teman dan sekutu untuk mengambil bagian dalam hari aksi internasional melawan perang AS di Iran. Mari kita berdiri dengan orang-orang yang berjuang untuk penentuan nasib sendiri dan melawan imperialisme!
Hidup Solidaritas Internasional!
Below is a letter from the International League of Peoples Struggles (ILPS) Office of the Chair in relation to the Global Day of Protest against US War on Iran, endorsed by the Merdeka Secretariat.
From the Office of the Chairperson
Len Cooper
12 January 2020
The International League of Peoples Struggles (ILPS) supports the call by the Answer Coalition for a global day of protests by the worlds’ people against war by the United States Government on Iran.The call is for global wide protests on Saturday January 25th for the worlds people to say “NO WAR ON IRAN”!
The ILPS, a global alliance against Imperialism and Imperialist war, strongly supports the call for global protests against war with Iran and call for US Imperialism to get out of the Middle East altogether.
Various administrations of US Imperialism have spent years in telling lies about Iran, unilaterally breaking international agreements with Iran, applying illegal sanctions against the Iranian people and government and committing other acts of aggression against them either directly or through US puppets and proxies.
The latest series of hostile events began with US Imperialism unilaterally breaking an international agreement with Iran and imposing war like sanctions detrimentally impacting the Iranian People, Iran’s economy and threatening the independence and sovereignty of the Iranian People.
The latest hostilities between the United States and Iran means the potential for a wider regional war or even a more global war, are a real possibility. The US Government has itself created the current chaos in the Middle East in pursuit of its imperial interests.
The ILPS calls on its member organisations across the globe to urgently begin organising the
the global day of protest on Saturday, January the 25th.
No war on Iran!
Down with US Imperialism!
US out of the Middle East!
Other statements published by the ILPS in relation to the issue: